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Clients working hard during a workout
Clients working hard during a workout
A professionally designed blue business logo

Elevate Physiotherapy provides high quality private musculoskeletal & sports physiotherapy services in Esher, Surrey

The 1-2-1 Clinic, Hinchley Wood KT10 0SH

Jake Solomons (HCPC, mCSP)

What do we treat?

Physiotherapy can help with a multitude conditions. At elevate, we specialise in the treatment of musculoskeletal and sports based injuries, including a variety of acute and chronic conditions, post operative rehabilitation and sports massage. Below are some examples of what we provide.

A description of the variety of injuries we treat as a physiotherapy business

How does it work?

1. Book Online

Simply use the booking link to book your initial assessment with me face to face in clinic.

2. Initial Assessment

A 60 minute in-clinic appointment that typically involves gathering information about your injury/pain, your past medical history and then a physical assessment to determine the nature of the injury. Initial treatment advice can be provided and some individualised treatment may be offered if applicable.

3. Follow-up Sessions

Based on the assessment, a longer term plan is made where a series of follow-up rehabilitation, education and lifestyle advice sessions are completed. Follow-up sessions are booked on a package deal, to ensure a commitment to Physiotherapy for the allocated timeframe that will be set with your goals in mind.

Not Sure about Physiotherapy?

If you are unsure about what Physiotherapy can offer then submit an enquiry for a 5-10 minute phone call where we can find out more about your enquiry, ensure it is within the scope of Physiotherapy and then discuss a date & time to get booked into clinic for a 60 minute Initial Assessment

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